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Family Fun Devotions: Reminder Rocks

Exciting family fun night with devotional on Joshua 4.

Family Fun Devotions: Resist the Devil

What is temptation? Is being tempted wrong? Check out this family devotional to learn about how Jesus resisted temptation, and how we can too!

Volunteer Recruitment is Fun

Make recruiting fun while you purposefully involve your volunteers in the process.

Easy, Fun Interactive Bible Quizzes for Children's Church

A "high-tech" way to do reviews, quizzes, etc. in children's church, that brings kids and adult leaders together in a fun competition.


Free Summer Activity Ideas for Summer Fun!

Keep your kids engaged this summer with free summer activities! Here are a few ideas.

Time Travel Fun Spiral Video

Just a fun looping spiral video for while asking kids to use their imaginations.

Bible Verse Search Puzzles: Having Fun with the Bible

Here's a fun way to help your kids remember their scripture reading!

Vote for Jesus! A FUN Patriotic Lesson

This is a FUN interactive lesson about how we "Vote for Jesus" every day by the choices we make!

FUN Choices Opening Game

This is a fun interactive game that gets kids moving and trying to solve a fun but easy puzzle. It's all about choices!

Five Ways To Create a Fun Kidmin Environment

Ideas on how to make your kidmin space fun for kids!

Recruiting Tool: Fun RSVP Menu Style Flyer

Your recruiting should be fun and attractive! Here is an RSVP Card to "Reserve a Spot in the Children's Ministry," complete with a complete menu of ways a volunteer can get invoved. Custom serving has arrived!


Children's Ministry Podcast #02 - Making Your Ministry F.U.N.

Karl defines a 'kid' as 'a unique individual who wants fun but needs love.' In this second podcast, Karl and Gus discuss some very simple and practical ideas for adding F.U.N. to your ministry so you can be more effective in reaching the hearts of kids.

Kidmin Talk #030 - May 8, 2012

How can you best help kids to get to the point where their faith is theirs, not their parents?

Kidmin Talk #059 - September 4, 2013

Kids love to have fun! Here are some easy and practical tips that will make you a leader kids love and can't wait to see again.

Wishy Washy Christian

We need to feed our spirit just like we do our body. Except that we feed our spirit, Spirit food.

Solo Moms Free Spa Day

We created a "day" of free spa services to single-parent moms with fun, food and inflatable games for their children. On a Saturday, from 1pm - 5pm. Using almost every room in the building; Enough professionals volunteered their services; massagesc - 2 did full body massage, one did 15 minute c...

Faithful Fred and the Invisible Sheild

The Dark Evil Man and the Shield of Faith

Fiery Faith

A little girl demonstrates that FAITH is active trust is something you can not see based upon love.

Faith Is A Red Rope

An invitation to salvation from the story of Rahab. Rahab believed God enough to obey Him. We are not saved if we’ve heard the gospel, but yet have done nothing about it, but we are saved if we obey and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 16:31)


The Foundation Of Faith

A talk explaining that real faith is not blind at all. Faith means that we believe that God exists, and that He is intimately involved in our lives. (Hebrews 11:6)

it Bible Curriculum Recruiting Tools - Fishing KidCheck Girl FUNtastic Bible Activity Book Kidology's Ultimate Toolbox for Children's Ministr My Awesome Adventure DiscipleTown Unit 17 - Global Next Steps for Kids Kidmin Talk Podcast
Kidology Curriculum

Kids Church Lessons
written by the Kidologist!

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